Validation and Verification Body: VVB
VVB is a juristic person registered by the Board of Directors of TGO to be an external validator/verifier for the Premium T-VER project under the regulations set by TGO. The VVB has the responsibility to validate the voluntary project and verify the amount of GHG emission reductions of the project in accordance with the criteria, procedures and conditions set by TGO.
Validation is a systematic, independent and documented process for the evaluation of a GHG assertion in a GHG project plan and GHG calculation in Project Design Document (PDD) against agreed Premium T-VER project validation criteria and in accordance with ISO 14064-3, validation is performed by Validation and Verification Body (VVB).
Verification is a systematic, independent and documented process for evaluating GHG assertion against agreed verification criteria and conformed to ISO 14064-3.
Validation and verification procedures can be found in the “Manual for T-VER Validation & Verification”
A sectoral scope(s) of accreditation sets the limits for work which a VVB may perform under the T-VER with regard to validation as well as verification and certification related to identified sector(s)
The table below provides the list of sectoral scopes