Changes to registered project
After the project was registered, if there is a change in the details of activities that are different from those stated in the Project DesignDocument (PDD), theproject participants shall notify TGO prior to submitting a request for carbon credits issuance. Changes are classified into 2 types as follows:
General change is a change that does not affect the amount of GHG emission reductions, for example:
- Change in project participant
- Change in project owner
- Change in project coordinator
- Change in crediting period
The crediting period of the project can be changed but the crediting start date shall not exceed 2 years from the next day after the project registration date.
Change that required revalidation is a change that affect the amount of GHG emission reductions including;
- Addition of project activity/methodology
- Increase of the amount of GHG emission reductions to more than 60,000 tCO2eq/y or the increase compared to the expected GHG emission reductions stated in the registered Project Design Document (PDD) is more than 15%.
The project participantsshall identify all changes that have occurred in the GHG monitoring report so that a Validation and Verification Body (VVB) can monitor the changes. Evidences concerning to the change shall be provided to VVB and TGO.
In the case of a registered project requiring revalidation, the project participants shall revise the Project Design Document (PDD) according to the actual implementation. The revised PDD shall be validated by a Validation and Verification Body (VVB)