Premium T-VER?

Project administrative structure

Project administrative structure

T VER Project administrative structure

Implementation framework
The Premium T-VER program is managed by Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) or TGO, under the supervision of the following body:
    1) Board of Directors of TGO
    2) Subcommittee on Consideration of GHG Mitigation Projects and Activities

Board of Directors of TGO  

The role and responsibilities of the Board of Directorsof TGO are in accordance with the Royal Decree establishing the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) B.E. 2550 as amended by the Royal Decree establishing the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) (No. 2) B.E. 2562

The members of the Board of Directors of TGO consist of heads of relevant agencies under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Energy, and Ministry of Transport, as well as designated honorary directors, as follows:

  • Dr. Wijarn Simachaya, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TGO (Former Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)
  • Mr. Jatuporn Buruspat, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; member of the Board of Directors of TGO
  • Dr. Phirun Saiyasitpanich, Secretary General, Office of Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; member of the Board of Directors of TGO
  • Dr. Prasert Sinsukprasert, Director General of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy; member of the Board of Directors of TGO
  • Mr. Punya Chupanit, Director General of the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Ministry of Transport; member of the Board of Directors of TGO
  • Mr. Kiatchai Maitriwong, Executive Director of TGO; Executive Secretary of the Board of Directors of TGO
  • Mr. Somchai Rungsrithananon, Honorary director on business administration; member of the Board of Directors of TGO
  • Mr. Smith Banomyong, Honorary director on energy; member of the Board of Directors of TGO
  • Prof. Dr. Sutha Khaodhiar, Honorary director on science and technology; member of the Board of Directors of TGO
  • Prof. Dr. Khwanchai Duangsathaporn, Honorary director on forestry; member of the Board of Directors of TGO
  • Mr. Somchai Wangwattanapanich, Honorary director on industry; member of the Board of Directors of TGO


Subcommittee on Consideration of GHG Mitigation Projects and Activities  
1. Tasks of the subcomittee

    1) Make recommendations to the Board of Directors of TGO on the assessment of requests of project registration and credits issuance done by the secretariat according to the standard set byTGO.
    2) Make recommendations to the Board of Directors of TGO oncriteria of project registration, credits issuances and Validation and Verification Body (VVB) registration.
    3) Approvethe proposed or revisethe Premium T-VER methodologies/tools/emission factors or cancel the approvedmethodologies/tools/emission factors. The decisions made by the subcommittee shall be notified to the Board of Directors of TGO.
    4) Make recommendations to the Board of Directors of TGO on the registration, suspension, and revocation ofValidation and Verification Body (VVB).
    5) Undertake any other tasks as instructedby the Board of Directors of TGO.

2. Membership 
    Comprised of experts, academics, both from the government sector, educational institutions, NGOs and others as the Board of Directorsof TGO deems appropriate.

The members of the Subcommittee on Consideration of GHG Mitigation Projects and Activities consist of the representatives of relevant agencies and experts, academics from educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations as listed below.

  • Dr. Wijarn Simachaya, Chairman of the subcommittee (Former Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)
  • Mr. Kiatchai Maitriwong, Executive Director of TGO; Vice-chairman of the subcommittee
  • Representative of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy; member of the subcommittee
  • Representative of the Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry; member of the subcommittee
  • Representative of the Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; member of the subcommittee
  • Representative of the Office of Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; member of the subcommittee
  • Representative of the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Ministry of Transport; member of the subcommittee
  • Representative of the Joint Committee of Private Sector; member of the subcommittee
  • Representative of the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), Ministry of Industry; member of the subcommittee
  • Prof. Dr. Ladawan Puangchit, Expert on forestry; member of the subcommittee
  • Dr. Amnuay Thongsathitya, Expert on energy; member of the subcommittee


  • Hits: 6760

Data Disclosures


The documents will be published on TGO website.

  • Modality of Communication (MoC)

  • Project Design Document (PDD)

  • Validation Report

  • SD & Safeguards Assessment Report

  • Monitoring report

  • SD & Safeguards Monitoring Report

  • Non-permanent risk Report 

  • Verification Repor

  • Hits: 4309

Use of carbon credits


    Whereas it is expedient to prescribe the guideline and mechanism regarding carbon credit management for the purpose of supporting achievement of the national greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets under the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in an efficient manner which will promote suitable management to address climate change problems in Thailand in a manner consistent with international commitments.

     See more details about "Carbon credit management guideline and mechanism"  at link 


offset T VER

  • Hits: 7881

Project Type

Project Type Premium T-VER

(1) Projects in the category of renewable energy or fossil fuel replacement;

(2) Projects in the category of improvement of efficiency of electricity and heat generation;

(3) Projects in the category of public transportation system;

(4) Projects in the category of electric vehicle;

(5) Projects in the category of improvement of efficiency of engine;

(6) Projects in the category of improvement of efficiency of energy consumption in buildings and factories, and in households;

(7) Projects in the category of natural refrigerant;

(8) Projects in the category of clinker substitutes;

(9) Projects in the category of solid waste management;

(10) Projects in the category of domestic wastewater management;

(11) Projects in the category of methane recovery and utilization;

(12) Projects in the category of industrial wastewater management;

(13) Projects in the category of reduction, absorption, and removal of greenhouse gases from the forestry and agricultural sectors;

(14) Projects in the category of capture, storage, and/or utilization of greenhouse gases; 

(15) Projects in other categories as may be additionally prescribed by the Board of Directors supported by scientific reasons.


Length of crediting period

crediting period

  • Hits: 10855

What is Premium T-VER

What is Premium T-VER

Premium T-VER project shall be an activity that is situated in Thailand and can measure real, permanent, and additional greenhouse gas reduction without double counting, contribute to sustainable development, and has a measure in place to prevent negative impacts (safeguards) and does not cause negative impacts (do-no-net harm) according to guidelines prescribed by the Board of Directors.

The amount of GHG emission reduced or removed from the operation of the Premium T-VER project approved by TGO call "Carbon credits" can be used for exchange or trading.  Its unit is “ton carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2eq)”.


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