กลไกลดก๊าซเรือนกระจก (Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Mechanism)

What is Premium T-VER

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pdf Guideline for Premium T-VER, version 4.0.pdf

pdf Guideline for Premium T-VER version 2.0

What is Premium T-VER

Premium T-VER project shall be an activity that is situated in Thailand and can measure real, permanent, and additional greenhouse gas reduction without double counting, contribute to sustainable development, and has a measure in place to prevent negative impacts (safeguards) and does not cause negative impacts (do-no-net harm) according to guidelines prescribed by the Board of Directors.

The amount of GHG emission reduced or removed from the operation of the Premium T-VER project approved by TGO call "Carbon credits" can be used for exchange or trading.  Its unit is “ton carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2eq)”.


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