Project Implementation
Implementation of Premium T-VER project activity
The implementation of the Premium T-VER project is project based. The development of the Premium T-VER project can be divided into 3 types as follows:
1) Single project is an activity implemented at only one location.
2) Bundled Project is a project that carries out the same type of GHG emission reduction activities in several locations with the following requirements:
- Bundled project is the same single project activity implemented at many locations.
- Every activity is included in the Project Design Document (PDD).
- Using same methodology.
- Using same crediting preiod.
3) Programme of Activities: PoA is a frabework devoloped for the implementation of greenhouse gas emission activities. Component Project Activity (CPA) which is the same activity with same crediting period but different locations can be in the registered PoA. Requirements for development of PoA are as follows:
The total amount of expected GHG emission reductions/removals of all Component Project Activities (CPA) shall not be a large-scale project.
The size of each CPA shall be a micro-scale project.
Activities are implemented at many sites/different locations.
Every CPA is the same project type using the same methodology.
Crediting period of each CPA can be different.
PoA-Design Document (PoA-DD) and CPA-Design Document (PoA-DD) of each CPA shall be prepared.
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